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Investment Opinions
Hyper Active: Targeting stock-specific risk among Europe’s global winners
13 September 2024

Our Hyper Active series explores how GAM Investments’ portfolio managers – across both equities and fixed income - aim to harness the potential of active management to deliver better results for clients. In the latest edition, we spotlight Niall Gallagher, Investment Director, European Equities.

Multi-Asset Blog
US inflation paints a mixed picture
11 September 2024

Monthly headline CPI steady but housing costs drive an uptick in core inflation, reducing prospect of a 0.5% rate cut next week.

Investment Opinions
So what happened this summer?
10 September 2024

The S&P 500 hit an all-time high before losing -8.2% from mid-July to early August. But stockmarkets recovered unnervingly quickly going into September. With the dust settled, it is worth considering if there are any lessons to be learned.