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Thought Leadership
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

GAM and partner managers provide their outlook for 2022 for their respective asset classes. They cite energy transition, rising interest rates, the Asian emerging middle class, the strength of the European banking sector, demand / supply imbalance and of course the Omicron variant of Covid-19 as among the things to watch out for in the coming year.

Active Thinking
Active Thinking: China – the simmering transformation
21 August 2024

GAM Investments’ Jian Shi Cortesi, Investment Director, Asia/China Growth Equities, discusses the simmering transformation of China's economy. She analyses China's pivot to digital and green growth, exemplified by BYD's innovative impact in the electric vehicle sector.

Active Thinking
Active Thinking: Keeping our AIs on the prize
08 July 2024

Amid ongoing investor fervour for artificial intelligence (AI) stocks, Wendy Chen discusses her key takeaways from the COMPUTEX Taipei IT trade show, and shares her take on how the latest tech developments square with elevated valuations across the sector.

Active Thinking
Active Thinking: What the Swiss interest rate cut could mean
03 July 2024

GAM Investments’ Daniel Häuselmann discusses the Swiss National Bank's recent interest rate cut, its likely impact on the Swiss franc and the implications for Swiss equities.