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GAM Star Global Balanced Selling Agent C GBP Acc

Past performance is not an indicator of future performance and current or future trends. The performance is net of commissions, fees and other charges. The indications could be based on figures denominated in a currency that may be different from the currency of your residence country and therefore the return may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations. Please see further disclosures regarding performance returns by clicking on the specific Fund or Strategy to literature as applicable. Capital at risk: all financial investments involve an element of risk. Therefore, the value of the investment and the income from it will vary and the initial investment amount cannot be guaranteed. Please note that some of the below figures may be estimates and as such are subject to change.

* This section may contain historic fund documents which do not constitute marketing material and therefore may no longer be used in a marketing context for the offering of financial products and are meant for information purposes only.

**Tax considerations depend on the individual circumstances of each investor and may be subject to changes in the future.