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Meera Patel

Meera Patel - Senior Manager – Investissement durable et thématique

Meera Patel, Senior Manager - Sustainable and Thematic Investment, est responsable des initiatives d'investissement thématique et dirige notre pôle d'investissement durable dans la région Asie-Pacifique.

Meera a rejoint GAM Investments en août 2022 après avoir occupé le poste de gérante de portefeuille chez Fulcrum Asset Management. Auparavant, elle était analyste chez Dimensional Fund Advisors et Willis Towers Watson. Meera est titulaire d'un BEng en génie civil de l'Université de Manchester, est titulaire d'un CFA et a suivi le certificat en investissement ESG du CFA Institute. Elle est basée à Singapour.

Meera Patel

Mon avis

Thematic Thoughts: The Upshot of 4.3 billion People
08 September 2023

At GAM Investments, our purpose is to protect and enhance our clients’ financial future. As part of this, we are constantly challenging ourselves to think beyond the obvious. In the Thematic Thoughts series, we highlight emerging sustainability ideas and themes that could present investment opportunities.

Thematic Thoughts: The Beginning of Saudi Arabia’s Social Transformation Story
13 July 2023

At GAM Investments, our purpose is to protect and enhance our clients’ financial future. As part of this, we are constantly challenging ourselves to think beyond the obvious. In the Thematic Thoughts series, GAM's Sustainable and Thematic Investment Team highlight emerging ideas and themes that they believe could present investment opportunities.

Thematic Thoughts: The future of our food supply
10 March 2023

The future of our food supply