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Stephanie Maier

Stephanie Maier - Global Chief Sustainability Officer

Stephanie Maier, in qualità di Global Chief Sustainability Officer, ha la responsabilità di guidare la strategia di investimento sostenibile ed ESG (ambientale, sociale e di governance) di GAM.

Stephanie è entrata a far parte di GAM Investments nel gennaio 2021 dopo essere stata Director for Responsible Investment per HSBC Global Asset Management. Precedentemente era stata sette anni presso Aviva Investors, rivestendo da ultimo il ruolo di Head of Responsible Investment Strategy and Research, e ancora prima era stata Head of Research per EIRIS, una società di ricerca e consulenza ESG. Stephanie ha conseguito un BA in Biological Sciences presso l’Università di Oxford, un MSc in Environmental Technology presso l’Imperial College London e infine il Investment Management Certificate (IMC). È basata a Londra.

Stephanie Maier


Opinioni d'investimento
2024 Proxy Season: Key themes
08 April 2024

With the peak of the 2024 proxy season soon approaching, Simona Rubino from GAM’s Governance & Responsible Investing (GRI) team shares her views on six themes that she sees as priorities for this year and are likely to shape the shareholder meetings agenda.

Active Thinking
Orientarsi tra le principali tendenze d’investimento sostenibile
1 marzo 2024

Stephanie Maier, Chief Sustainability Officer di GAM Investments, approfondisce gli ultimi sviluppi in materia di sostenibilità, esplorando temi quali i crediti per la biodiversità, il reporting obbligatorio e l'etichettatura.

Opinioni d'investimento
A successful COP? Depends on your starting point
20 December 2023

COP28 concluded in early December. Was any tangible progress made this time? GAM looks at what came out of it and what the implications are for the energy transition, biodiversity and the future.

Opinioni d'investimento
La rivoluzione dell’intelligenza artificiale: quali implicazioni per gli investimenti ESG?
13 dicembre 2023

Stephanie Maier, Chief Sustainability Officer di GAM Investments, passa in rassegna le numerose opportunità che l’intelligenza artificiale potrebbe mettere a disposizione degli investimenti sostenibili, e alcuni dei rischi che comporta.

My Videos

Active Thinking

11:16 secondi

Sustainable Investing – Stephanie Maier
19 ottobre 2023

Stephanie Maier ci aggiorna sui recenti sviluppi negli investimenti sostenibili, sull’importanza del labelling dei fondi sostenibili e sui progressi fatti nei 17 obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile delle Nazioni Unite (SDG).

Active Thinking

9:06 secondi

Sustainable Investing – Stephanie Maier
28 luglio 2023

Stephanie Maier, in questo video della serie Active Thinking, passa in rassegna i recenti sviluppi a livello legislativo, politico e settoriale degli investimenti sostenibili, e riflette in particolare sulla crescente attenzione rivolta al clima nelle delibere aziendali, oltre che alla natura e alla biodiversità.

My Awards

GAM wins at the ESG Investing Awards 2024
March 2024

GAM’s Sustainable Climate Bond strategy has been chosen as the best ESG Investment Fund in the Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds category at the ESG Investing Awards 2024.

The ESG Investing Awards evaluate the best companies, products, strategies and research on a global scale, winners are selected by a panel of judges consisting of financial market professionals, academics and independent experts.

Congratulations to Stephanie Maier, Chief Sustainability Officer at GAM and Romain Miginiac from the Atlanticomnium investment management team of the GAM Sustainable Climate Bond strategy.

Read more here.

Stephanie Maier included in Financial News's list of the Fifty Most Influential in Sustainable Finance 2023
September 2023

GAM’s Stephanie Maier, Global Head of Sustainable and Impact Investment, has been included in Financial News's second annual list of the Fifty Most Influential in Sustainable Finance 2023.

The list recognises those with a proven track record in sustainability, as well as individuals who have demonstrated real influence through their roles.

Read more here.

GAM awarded “Green bond fund of the year” at the Environmental Finance Awards
April 2023

GAM’s Sustainable Climate Bond strategy was named Green bond fund of the year at the Environmental Finance Awards in its first full year in existence. The judges said it was an “interesting” and “thoughtful” strategy to use green bonds to channel green finance to a broader pool than just the large corporate green bond issuers.

Read more here.

Stephanie Maier ‘Highly Commended’ in Investment Week Women in Investment Awards
November 2022

GAM Investments’ Stephanie Maier, Global Head of Sustainable and Impact Investment, was highly commended in the ‘Sustainable and ESG Investment Woman of the Year (large firms)’ category at the Investment Week Women in Investment Awards 2022.

The awards, now in their sixth year, not only honour the inspiring achievements of women across all parts of the investment industry but play a role in helping accelerate the pace of change towards a more diverse and inclusive investment industry.

Click here to see the full list of winners.